Saturday, May 9, 2009

Finally! I got a couple of the videos up and running! Those who already have your wraps, please feel free to contact me if you would like to see a video of a specific hold. If it can be done, I'll certainly try to make it happen here :)

This is the Tummy to Tummy, Front Cross-Carry Hold. This is a basic hold. I'll be uploading a video soon for another way to wrap this same hold. Enjoy :)


Sling-hold wrap (best for nursing) -- In this style the baby is cradled acorss the front, much like in a sling, only more secure and no aching back!

Sling Hold

Outward facing - Front Cross-Carry -- (see tummy to tummy video for How To wrap this style) This video shows simply how to place the baby into the outward facing position once the wrap is already on.

Outward-Facing (cumberbun on outside)

Here is an Alternate Outward Facing hold. The difference here is the cumberbun is on the inside of the X rather than over baby's feet on the outside. To me, this one feels more secure and baby's feet are free to kick around :) If you like baby's feet covered, stick with the video above. Otherwise, check out the video below...

Outward-Facing (cumberbun on inside)

Well, I have had many-a-question about whether you can get a baby out easily and put him or her back into the same or a different hold without much hassle or re-wrapping. Here is a "How to Take Your Baby Out of the Wrap" video, combined with a transition from outward-facing to a tummy-to-tummy hold with ease!

Transitioning Between Holds



Thanks for the videos Stacy! I am using my wrap all day every day now...Tempie is not the little pro that Ethan is when I am putting her in it yet, but once she is in she LOVES it!! I wore her in it all through the Atlanta Aquarium last Saturday and told everyone about your blog that asked me about my wrap!! ~~Angie~~

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